At Hilltop, our professional practitioners will examine the skin and discuss any skin concerns and goals with clients. Chemical Peels aid in the health and appearance of the skin by removing damaged skin cells. Treatments are individually designed for your unique skin type.
How can a Chemical help the skin?
A great option for all skin types and concerns.
- Anti-aging, collagen induction
- Acne, and Rosacea
- Pigmention/ discoloration
- Fine lines / wrinkles
- Enlarged pores + blemishes
- Minimize scars
- Balance texture & tone
How to prepare
- Stop all use of ANY retinol or Retin-A medications or creams 2 days prior to appointment
- Inform practitioner of all medications. Accutane users are NOT able to participate in this procedure. Must be discontinued at least 6 months.
- Stop all exfoliating products 1 week prior
- Stop all hair removal treatments, including bleaching, waxing until skin is healed.
What to expect
This depends on several factors. Which peel is being utilized and at what depth. Superficial peel, Medium or Intense peel.
- Tingling sensation and mild discomfort are both common
- Redness, similar to a sunburn may last 2-5 days
- Swelling for more in depth peels
- Peeling, flaking of skin.
- Important to note a successful peel does not always include intense peeling of the skin.
- Following our detailed after care protocol will ensure a successful peel.
- Recovery duration depends on the type and strength of peel.
- A bland skin care routine is highly recommended.
- Be gentle and kind to the skin. No aggressive cleansers or scrubbing,
- Say No to coconut oil, Aloe Vera , and Vitamin E!
- Wait at least 48 hours before using ANY actives on the skin.
- Non-comedogenic creams and sunscreens may be used.
- Rain or shine, cloud or sunny skies …SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN. The skin will now be more photosensitive to the sun. Carry sunscreen with you at all times, to reapply during the day.
- It is tempting to want to lift off the skin that is peeling, please refrain from this as it can cause trauma to the skin such as hyperpigmentation.
Precautions and Contradictions for Chemical Peels
● Isotretinoin -6-12 mths of past use
● Retin A,Differin, Azelaic acid , Adapalene - stop 7 days prior
● No exfoliating scrubs 48 hours before treatment -7 days after treatment
● Certain antibiotics and other medications
● Hydrocortisone Use
● Allergy to aspirin ( Salicylic peels )
● Under a current treatment program for auto immune diseases
● Waxing, sugaring, or laser treatments
● Vitamin A - must discontinue 7 days prior
● Active herpes or recurring infections
● Pregnancy / breastfeeding /lactating
● Rosacea -current or severe flare ups
SUNSCREEN is a must, and should be added to your morning routine and
reapplied throughout the day, every day.
Types of Peels offered
- Glycolic
- Jessners
- Salicylic
- Lactic
- Mandelic
- TCA (mild, medium, intense)
- TCA + Jessners
- TCA + Jessners + Dream Peel
- Jessners + Dream Peel
- TCA + Dream Peel
All Chemical peels exfoliate the skin leaving a brighter, clearer complexion. Consult with our trained professionals to review your goals and together we can form a skincare regime designed specifically for you!
Superficial Peels
Lactic Acid Peel
Known as a “safe” or beginner peel. Gentle exfoliation. Don’t be fooled this peel has quite the BANG effect. Many people see immediate results. This acid is non irritating to the skin and it is truly a no-downtime peel with big results and is perfect for some who want refreshed glowing skin. A series of 6 weekly should be down for best results, then move to a superficial peel or medium peel to target concerns. Remember just because you don’t peel doesn’t mean it’s not working!
Choose this peel if you have the following concerns :
- Fine lines
- Mild to medium sun damage, pigmentation concerns, age spots
- Dehydrated skin, improves skin tone and reduces the appearance of pores
What to expect?
- Pinkish -redness skin tone
- Slight swelling, like a sunburn
Glycolic Acid Peel:
This peel is a medium strength exfoliant. It is meant to loosen and lift the dead skin cells to leave a healthy glow of the skin. No down time. Glycolic peels can be done weekly or bi-weekly in a series of six to eight treatments to achieve excellent results.
Choose this peel if you have the following concerns:
- Treatment of mild sun damage, pigmentation
- Fine lines
- Keratosis Pilaris, Milia
- Superficial acne scarring, blackheads, whiteheads, reduce the appearance of pore size
- Ingrown hairs
What can I expect with Glycolic?
- Mild flaking to no flaking with some dryness
- Considered a no downtime peel.
Salicylic Chemical Peel
Salicyclic is a powerhouse, that loosens and removes oil, aging cells, and debris from the skin and pores. This peel penetrates through the Stratum Corneum, the Stratum Granulsome, and possibly into the Stratum Basal when using higher percentages. The strength of this can vary depending on the goals of the client.Weekly or Biweekly application, 6-8 treatment plan.
Choose This peel if you have the following concerns:
- Acne prone, blackheads, whiteheads
- Oily skin
- Pigmentation from acne scars or sun
- Anti-aging - soften fine lines
What can I expect with Salicylic?( depends on the strength )
- Mild flaking to no flaking
- Dryness
- Redness
- Swelling
Mandelic Chemical Peel
Mandelic chemical peels have many uses and depend on the percentage used to target specific areas of concern. Considered very gentle and ideal for those with sensitive skin. This specific AHA penetrates the skin at a lower rate making it less irritating to the skin. Mandelic acid can be done in a series of six to eight peels weekly to bi-weekly, then move to monthly maintenance.
Choose this peel if you have the following concerns
- Skin texture
- Sun spots
- Post inflammatory acne marks
- Fine lines/wrinkles
What can I expect with Mandelic?
- Mild flaking
- Redness
- Itching
- Swelling
Medium Depth Peels
TCA Chemical Peel
*** Skin Fitzpatricks 2-6 prepare with a melanin inhibitor such as fade bright or hydroquinone product 2 weeks prior to completing a peel to avoid unintended damage.
TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) is a common choice by professionals and is considered the “gold standard” of chemical peels. It can treat every skin type, with dependable and effective results. It’s safe for all skin tones. TCA can be used on the face, body, lips, and eye areas at the correct percentages and can be layered to reach deeper into the skin. TCA peel increases collagen production... which means plumper, healthier skin. TCA peels should be done once every three-four weeks in a series of six to eight treatments depending on the desired goal.
Choose this peel for the following concerns:
- Pigmentation
- Wrinkles
- Fines lines
- Improving textures, acne, scarring, melasma(epidermal & some dermal)
What can I expect with TCA?
Varies widely depending on the depth of the peel. Tingling hot burning sensation that will last anywhere from 3-5 minutes, upon application. Each layer will contribute to a deeper peel, which will result in more flaking/peeling. TCA does require some healing time, there is no set guide but generally, you can expect about 5-7 days of healing with mild to heavy peeling. Our skin specialist will assess your skin and add layers of peels as you go to reach your desired goal.
- Redness
- Skin sensitivity
- Peeling - 3-4 days of heavy peeling depending on the depth
- Tight sunburnt feeling
Jessner Chemical Peel
*** Skin Fitzpatricks 3-6 prepare with a melanin inhibitor such as fade bright or hydroquinone product 2 weeks prior to completing a peel. With proper preparation, it is well tolerated and can be used on all skin types. Jessners are often done in combination with TCA peels or alternate the weeks between the peels. Combining the two peels is a powerful medium depth peel that can be layered to penetrate down into the epidermis and even into the upper papillary dermis. This peel starts at one layer, once tolerated additional layers are added. Jessners peel can require some down time, there is no set guidelines as individuals heal at different rates.
Choose this peel for the following concerns :
- Oily, acne prone skin
- Whiteheads/blackheads
- Body acne
- Aggressive facial acne, and cystic acne
- Pigmentation issues and melasma
- Fine lines, and wrinkles
What can I expect with Jessners?( Depends on layers/depth )
- Flaking
- Peeling - 3-4 days of heavy peeling depending on the depth
- Redness
- Tight sunburnt feeling
Contact our skin professionals to start your journey to healthy, glowing skin!